Furniture Packing Advice for your International Move
So let’s say you just took a decision to move internationally. Excited for the new beginning? Of course, you are elated and are looking forward to the new place and a new life. But wait, guess what:you just received a reality check about the daunting task that lies ahead – moving your furniture overseas! You understand that it will be painful: starting with asking the basic questions, the process of packing your furniture items and finding the right international furniture mover.
How to Make the Move Easier
Would you not wish for a genie, which can pop out from a bottle at your wish and instantly take care of the entire process of moving your furniture overseas in a jiffy with just one command? But, reality is far more agonizing, so let’s go through some preparation guidelines that can make your life somewhat easier and get you ready for moving your home overseas. Think about:
- Evaluating & Prioritizing – Whether everything on your furniture list needs to be shipped? Or can you get along with leaving back some of the items? Make a list starting with the important items first.
- Weather Adjustments – Will all your furniture assets adjust to the new place in terms of the weather or do you have some custom products manufactured only for certain types of weather?
- Categorizing – Make a categorical list dividing your furniture items into categories like, heavy, bulky, light weight, easy to move etc. This shall enable you to make quick decisions of what’s worth shipping and what’s better off left behind.
How to Pack Furniture for Overseas Moving
Ok, so now you have a list of all the products, category wise, that you intend to either ship or keep behind. Let’s see if you did the right selection based on different types of furniture products:
- Heavy and Bulky – This category includes, beds, sofas, oversized wardrobes
- Easy to move – This could be dining table, rugs, chairs, coffee and study tables, entertainment centers, small closets, storage drawer units etc.
- Expensive Items – Ancient valuable assets, artistic products

Packing Tips
We listed some tips about how to go about packing your furniture to avoid these concerns:
- Make sure to organize all parts of a single product together in one package so as not to lose them making the furniture useless
- Try and dismantle as much as you can to avoid the bulkiness and weight of a single product
- Use good quality duct tape to stick the various pieces together. For example, one can use the bottom side of the table to tape the legs together
- Use protective padding to protect furniture from getting scratched and bruised during the moving process
- You can try using wax to polish the surfaces to prevent deep scratches and blemishes
- Protect the upholstery with padding or blankets of your own
Shelling out a little more money now might make more sense rather than opting for a less experienced and cheaper moving company. Also price can be deceiving: just check out our guide on comparing international moving quotes! Choosing the right vendor is a project of its own, but hey, it’s worth the trouble to know that your furniture is in safe hands!
If you’re ready to move, fill out our Online Quote Form today!