Toll Free 800-599-0190  |  USA 562-408-6677
International Vehicle Shipping and
Moving Specialists Since 1977

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Additional Shipping Information

Overseas moving services.

We are constantly adding international shipping and moving information to our web site. Contact one of our shipping and relocation moving experts today if you have any questions.

We understand that for various reasons, millions of people relocate to live overseas and make their home in a new country abroad every year. They have been tempted by a better quality of life, work in international careers, study abroad, take on volunteer work, retire overseas or own ‘holiday homes’ and have extended vacations abroad.

So with this in mind we take pride in providing reliable shipping and moving services.

Additional Overseas Shipping and Moving Information.

International Shipping Experts

Schumacher Cargo Logistics is a full service shipping and logistics company helping people move cars, vehicles, boats, household goods, and general cargo since 1977.

But our shipping company will do more than deliver your cargo safely. We’ll get it there quickly. One look at our sailing schedule and you’ll see we can take it pretty much whenever it’s ready to go. And with vessels providing service between all major ports in North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim, you can be very selective.

In an ever expanding and changing world we live in, dealing with a company that has knowledge & experience as we have, keeps us in the top of our league to better serve our clients. Speak to one of our shipping experts today and see how we will help you with your move.


Schumacher Cargo Logistics utilizes insured, secured and bonded facilities. We provide warehousing, packing, crating, trucking and loading services out of our own warehouses here in the USA - Los Angeles, Houston, Savannah, Miami, New York, and New Jersey. All other worldwide destinations are covered by our affiliated organization member companies.