Samoan Culture and Traditions
You are on the verge of making an overseas move to the beautiful islands of Samoa. A new place is beckoning.
But what do you know about Samoan culture and traditions? Now that you are shifting gears and will be transforming yourself to live amidst a new environment would it not help if you acquired knowledge about the Samoan traditions, popular arts and crafts, Samoan food delicacies and the overall life in Samoa?

Samoan Traditions
A unique identity to the Samoan culture and traditions, is that everything is thought about in terms of the families rather than individuality, whether it’s earning money, sharing food or even houses.
Samoan people are very traditional and respect elders in the family. They have an ancient social structure.
Some of the aspects of Samoan culture are:
- Faith, family, and music
- A communal way of living, wherein all activities are performed in groups
- Houses without boundaries or walls, and families staying together
- Having a chief who looks after the village
- Sharing responsibilities equally although food and money is distributed as per honor rankings and needs of each family
- A rigid set of rules and regulations
Samoan Religion
Samoan people show great importance to religion and believe a God founded Samoa.
Earlier cultures had beliefs that opposed the Christian religion although recent times have shown more followers of the same religion. Samoa has multi ethnic groups and depicts social pressure to participate in rituals and ceremonies. Currently, Samoan rituals focus on Christianity, where almost 100% of Samoans are Christian.
Entertainment in Samoa
With the beautiful landscapes of Samoan islands, also comes the fun, jovial and happy-go-lucky nature of the Samoan people.
Their form of entertainment includes singing songs, dancing and enjoying great delicacies. Dances include the synchronized Sasa routine, the graceful Siva dance and the knife-fire dances.
Other sporting activities include scuba diving, snorkeling, surfing and sea kayaking. You can also go deep sea fishing if the weather is right.
Samoan Arts and Crafts
Samoan mats are famous for the intricately woven leaves and is tremendously time consuming.
These mats hold ancestral values and are never for sale. Designs have symbolic meaning where natural objects take the focus of the print.
Woodcarving is another aspect of Samoan crafts, the most famous being the kava bowls. Tattooing is a form of art among many Samoan people.
Samoa Islands Sports
Rugby is the most popular sport in Samoa. Other sports include cricket and volleyball. Many famous sports personalities hail from Samoa. These sports immensely popular and are a part of the Samoan way of life.
If you are a wrestling follower, one must know that the “Rock” Dwayne Johnson is from Samoa and so is Junior Seau, the American football player who played for USC and San Diego Chargers.

This showcases the overview of the Samoan culture and traditions which you will experience as you begin your new life.
The information above will get you going and we will make your international move a pleasant experience, too.
So go ahead and request a free appointment with Rachel, our experienced Samoa International Shipping Schumacher Cargo expert by calling us at 800-599-0190, or visit our website for a free overseas moving quote and find out more about international moving to Samoa!