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Overseas Moving Forms and Customs Information

Shipping your vehicle or goods overseas is a necessary process that requires filling out important documents related to customs, insurance and authorization. Since everyone has a unique shipment, it is recommended that you consult with your shipping expert to find out exactly which forms need to be filled out.

Here are some of the forms and customs information, available to you for download. For more details, please contact your shipping consultant.

Import and Export Forms

International Customs Regulations

In order to move your household goods and vehicles as smoothly as possible, it is recommended that you learn in detail the customs rules and regulations of the country you are moving to.

Custom rules vary depending on the country you are moving to, so give yourself plenty of time to prepare. In addition to the information we offer you, you need to learn of the latest changes in customs.

If you have any other questions, please contact your Schumacher Cargo moving and shipping consultant.


Schumacher Cargo Logistics utilizes insured, secured and bonded facilities. We provide warehousing, packing, crating, trucking and loading services out of our own warehouses here in the USA - Los Angeles, Houston, Savannah, Miami, New York, and New Jersey. All other worldwide destinations are covered by our affiliated organization member companies.