Toll Free 800-599-0190  |  USA 562-408-6677
International Vehicle Shipping and
Moving Specialists Since 1977

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  1. Mail cheque payment to:
    550 W. 135th Street, Gardena, CA 90248
    Attn: Accounting
  2. Credit Card:
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  3. Wire Transfer:
    Please see wire details on your Schumacher Invoice

Schumacher Cargo Logistics, Inc.

Schumacher Cargo Logistics Logo

550 W. 135th Street
Gardena, CA 90248

Phone: 1-562-408-6677
Fax: 1-562-408-6636


Schumacher Cargo Logistics utilizes insured, secured and bonded facilities. We provide warehousing, packing, crating, trucking and loading services out of our own warehouses here in the USA - Los Angeles, Houston, Savannah, Miami, New York, and New Jersey. All other worldwide destinations are covered by our affiliated organization member companies.