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Pet Travel Sweden

jack russel dog driving car ready to go overseas

Attention: The following information should be used as a general guideline. Requirements for each country can change frequently so make sure to contact the proper authorities before you travel to Sweden with a pet.

Getting Your Pet Ready for Sweden

As with all international pet travel from the U.S, there are key steps that need to be done before you and your pet travel, or move, to Sweden.

There are many small steps involved at each stage but following sequence is a good general guideline to ensure your pets are ready for the move to Sweden.

  1. Obtaining approved identification for your dogs and cats (implanted microchip)
  2. Full vaccination against rabies and other diseases in addition to tapeworm treatment
  3. Veterinary certificate from an official veterinarian authority
  4. Ask for an international health certificate
  5. Make travel arrangements accordingly
  6. Give notice to animal control in Sweden
  7. Register your pet upon successful entry

Implanting a Microchip

This allows authorities to identify your dog, cat or other animal once it enters Sweden. Microchips need to be done first because it also is needed to record vaccinations and blood tests.

Vaccinations for Rabies and Other Animal Related Diseases

Next pets need to be vaccinated for rabies by an accredited vet. There are different testing requirements for certain countries.

Pets traveling to Sweden from countries with greater risk require additional treatments. Dogs and cats from the U.S will need to have blood tests at least 21 days after the first vaccination.

Tests will be sent to a lab to make sure the vaccine is present in your pet. There may also be one more vaccination required.

Certificates for Your Pet

Before moving pets to Sweden, you’ll have to get a veterinary certificate from an official vet working for the state. The form you will need for this is E9.163.

This certificate will show the vaccination records, date the microchip was implanted, date your pet will be arriving in Sweden and must be stamped by the USDA/APHIS authority.

This special certificate is only valid for 10 days prior to arriving in Sweden so be sure not to get this done too far in advance.

Pet Travel Directly to Sweden from a non EU Country

For pets entering from the U.S there are only a few approved points of entry. They are Landvetter airport in Gothenburg and Arlanda airport in Stockholm.

Upon your pets arrival in Sweden it will be subject to customs inspections and border control. Customs will need notice at least 24 hours in advance.

There is a fee involved and it’s at the owner’s expense. Make sure to have the vet certificate and all other documentation.

Written by Damien Shields


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