This page on duties, taxes, and bond fees for cars imported to USA should be used as a guideline only and not be considered final calculations as they may change periodically by US Customs Authorities.
Estimated Duty:
- 2.5 % of declared value for passenger cars,
- 25% for Cargo Trucks/Pickup Trucks/Cargo Vans
- Duty Free for motor vehicles returning within 3 years of exportation
- Duty Free for US manufactured Motor Vehicles
- Duty Free for US Returning Personal Motor Vehicles if imported for the same owner who exported it
Harbor Maintenance Fee:
- 0.125% of declared value
Merchandise Processing Fee:
- 0.3464% of declared value (Min $32.71 – Max $634.62)
- Waived for motor vehicles returning within 3 years of exportation
- Waived for US manufactured Motor Vehicles
- Waived for US Returning Personal Motor Vehicles if imported for the same owner exported it.
Customs Bond:
- 0.5% of (3 x declared value) – min $95.00
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For info on any of the above or to discuss your particular shipment, call in at:
US 562-408-6677 or Toll-Free 800-599-0190